Writing Rhythm Thanksgiving

Looking for a fun way to teach writing rhythm? This Thanksgiving Rhythm Write the Room Set is a fun, Thanksgiving-themed activity that will get your kids moving and writing. The Rhythm Write the Room Thanksgiving Pack contains 6 different rhythms sets, for all your rhythm reading and writing needs from quarters and eighths to 16th notes and more!

Each set comes with 8 rhythm posters and a student worksheet with an answer key. PLUS – posters are available in color and B&W format for all your printing needs.

Write the Room activities are an easy way to introduce your students to reading and writing rhythms that is FUN and INTERACTIVE! They can be used as a stand alone activity or extended for even more learning.



Looking for a fun way to teach writing rhythm? This Thanksgiving Rhythm Write the Room Set is a fun, Thanksgiving-themed activity that will get your kids moving and writing. The Rhythm Write the Room Thanksgiving Pack contains 6 different rhythms sets, for all your rhythm reading and writing needs from quarters and eighths to 16th notes and more!

Each set comes with 8 rhythm posters and a student worksheet with an answer key. PLUS – posters are available in color and B&W format for all your printing needs.

Write the Room activities are an easy way to introduce your students to reading and writing rhythms that is FUN and INTERACTIVE! They can be used as a stand alone activity or extended for even more learning.


Product Details

This product contains the following Thanksgiving Themed Write the Room sets:

  • Quarters, Eighths and Rests
  • Half Notes and Rests
  • Whole Notes and Rests
  • Sixteenth Notes
  • Syncopation
  • Basic Triple (6/8)


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