Hello, Music Teacher!

I'm Erin. I've been an elementary music teacher for over 10 years.

Somewhere along the way, I started to feel like I had more to give and viola! - the Sunshine and Music Blog was born.

Where My Love of Music Education Began

photos of me at Michigan state university

My journey teaching music began at Michigan State University (Go Green!), where I discovered Music Learning Theory, which was a game changer for me and took me down the path to elementary music – and I’ve never looked back!

My journey has taken me many places, from snowy Michigan to sunny Florida to beautiful North Carolina. It was in Florida that I became acquainted with the joyful play of the Orff-Schulwerk method of music education and started to incorporate it into my teaching as well.

I Believe Music Teachers Help Each Other

This entire blog was built with you in mind. I believe that the best music teachers are the ones who pass on their knowledge and lift other music teachers up. I want this blog to be a place of community for elementary music teachers to learn, share and grow.

Teaching music is an amazing job, full of fun and joy. And even though I have always felt incredibly lucky to teach music, I also spent WAY to many years feeling stressed out about what to teach, how to teach and manage my classroom, and how to handle all the extras that come along with being a music teacher.

My goal is to help you avoid some of the mistakes and stress I experienced as a young music teacher and focus on fun and joyful learning in music.

Life Beyond the Music Classroom

In addition to teaching music, I am also blessed to be mother to a wonderful daughter, and wife to a wonderful husband. Life is busy, but full. Yoga is my jam, as well as thrift shopping and binge-watching Marie Kondo or people buying beachfront properties in exotic locations.

I’m just a normal gal, hustling along and sharing her music teaching experiences along the way. I hope you find something (or multiple things!) that are useful to you. If so, my blog has been a success!

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