Ice Breaker Activities for Kids

Start off the year in music class with these ice breaker games for kids. With three different ice breaker activities to choose from, there is sure to be an activity to your needs for the first weeks of school in music class.

Whether you are a new teacher wanting to learn more about your students, or you’ve been at your school for years and want to review basic behavior and musical concepts, there is something for everyone.

These worksheets help make reviewing those beginning of the year procedures fun. I love using these ice breakers with my upper elementary student to promote team building and review procedures and basic knowledge in a way that is interactive and fun.



Start off the year in music class with these ice breaker activities for kids. With three different ice breaker activities to choose from, there is sure to be an activity to your needs for the first weeks of school in music class.

Whether you are a new teacher wanting to learn more about your students, or you’ve been at your school for years and want to review basic behavior and musical concepts, this product contains ice breaker activities for everyone.

These worksheets help make reviewing those beginning of the year procedures fun. I love using these ice breakers with my upper elementary student to promote team building and review procedures and basic knowledge in a way that is interactive and fun.

Product Details
This product contains three (3) ice breaker activities for kids in music class.

  1. Music and Me worksheet – learn about your students and the activities and music they like with this short questionnaire.
  2. Find Someone Who – students review concepts and learn about fellow classmates in a ice breaker mixer activity
  3. Write the Room Back to School edition – students search the room in a scavenger hunt and answer questions about music and classroom behavior along the way. This activity is available in color and b&w formats.


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