
Half and Whole Note Rhythm Centers

Have you always wanted half and whole note music classroom centers but never had time to put them all together? What if you could have all the joy of fun and engaging rhythm centers without the hassle?

This is just the resource you need! This set of 10 music centers focused on teaching your younger students half notes and whole notes (and their corresponding rests) through fun apple themed activities.

Original price was: $9.95.Current price is: $7.96.


Have you always wanted music classroom centers but never had time to put them all together? What if you could have all the joy of fun and engaging rhythm centers without the hassle? Try these half and whole note rhythm centers!

This is just the resource you need! This set of 10 music centers focused on teaching your younger students half notes and whole notes (and their corresponding rests) through fun apple themed activities. Perfect for back to school, Johnny Appleseed’s birthday, and fall.

With 10 great options for teaching half note and whole note rhythms, this centers set is your one stop shop for all the centers you will need. No more searching one activity at a time all over the internet. Print and go!

Each center is built so that students can work independently with their group to learn and practice skills related to reading and writing half and whole notes and rests.

No matter if you teach Kodaly (Ta ti-ti), Gordon (Du du-de) or Takadimi (Ta ta-di) syllables, this set has got you covered.

Rhythm Centers – Half Notes and Whole Notes Apple Theme: Product Details

This product contains 10 apple-themed rhythm centers:

  1. Apple Beats – create rhythms using cut-out rhythm cards (sized to help students visually see each note’s values)
  2. Applesauce – card game where students have to read rhythms while watching for matching rhythms
  3. Bobbin’ for Apples – “Go Fish” style game. find the matching rhythms
  4. Guess the Rhythm – students try and guess the rhythm they hear by saying it with syllables or writing it
  5. Apple Hunt – Memory style game where students have to find the two matching rhythms
  6. Apple Orchard Adventure – board game where students have to match notes (quarters, eighths, half, whole, and rests)
  7. Roll a Rhythm – roll the dice to create a rhythm. 3 choices – build the rhythm on a mat, brag tag or crown
  8. Spin and Cover – spin the wheel. then find and cover all the matching note values
  9. Music Math – use note values to create and solve basic math equations
  10. Play Doh Note Mats – practice writing and finding half notes, whole notes, quarters, paired eighths and rests using play doh

➡️ Each center has directions with pictures for emerging readers.

➡️ All centers are provided in color and b&w

Blog Posts About Note Writing and Centers

What is Write the Room and How to Use It In Music Class

Note Reading In Music In Three Easy Steps

Music Centers in the Elementary Classroom: Tips and Tricks for Success

Helpful Resources

Fall Music Activity Bundle

Growing Listening Map Bundle

Learn More About Sunshine and Music






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