Danse Macabre Listening Map

Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens is a great song to for fall and Halloween. This listening map for Danse Macabre (Camille Saint-Saens) is a great way to introduce your students to this class piece. Listening maps are a great way to help students follow the form of a song, as well as note information about dynamics and instrument timbres. This Danse Macabre Listening Map highlights the programmatic music style Saint-Saens was so famous for with easy to follow illustrations. In addition to your listening map, this product also contains 3 active listening worksheets.



Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens is a great song to for fall and Halloween. This listening map for Danse Macabre (Camille Saint-Saens) is a great way to introduce your students to this class piece. Listening maps are a great way to help students follow the form of a song, as well as note information about dynamics and instrument timbres. This listening map highlights the programmatic music style Saint-Saens was so famous for with easy to follow illustrations. In addition to your Danse Macabre Listening Map, this product also contains 3 active listening worksheets.


Product Details

This product contains:

  • two (2) listening maps for Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens. Listening maps are available in color AND b&w format.
  • two (2) listening maps with listening questions for Danse Macabre by Camille Saint-Saens. Listening maps are available in color AND b&w format. Listening maps answer key included.
  • Music Through My Eyes worksheet
  • Composer Intent worksheet


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