This post features a song I wrote a couple years ago. It’s called Scary Ghosts. You can find the link here. It’s FREE on my TeachersPayTeachers store. This a very simple activity that you can use to talk about head voice and chest voice with your students.
Pass out scarves. Bunch the scarf at the top and hold it in the middle, to make it look like a ghost. During the song, have the kids make their ghosts fly high and low/fast and slow/etc around the room.
In between the song, use a spooky high voice to say “head voice” and a spooky chest voice to say “chest voice.” Have students echo what you do. You can also do vocal sirens (up/down glissandos with your voice) to further work on getting kids into their head voice.
I love the placement of this activity in the year, because it is early enough in the year that it sets your kids up for good use of head voice for the rest of the year, but far enough into the year that they shy kids have hopefully started to join in. I don’t know about you guys, but I always have a couple shy ones who are just kind of taking everything in the first weeks. Now that they’ve been in school a month or so, they might be just about ready to start working on that head voice.
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