Are you looking to do a Vivaldi music lesson in your class? Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is by far his most famous work, and the Primavera Movement (also known as the Spring Movement) is probably the most famous movement from the work. And speaking of movement, we are going to be focused on moving to Spring from The Four Seasons today! I’ll show you how you can take Spring from The Four Seasons and build it into a full Vivaldi music lesson.
Vivaldi Music Lesson
Learning About Antonio Vivaldi

I love taking a moment to learn about the composer of any famous piece we listen to in music class. Antonio Vivaldi is a pretty interesting guy! He was a teacher, composer and even a priest! He even had the nickname “The Red Priest” because of his red hair.
One other thing I found interesting about Vivaldi and his music is the fact that The Four Seasons was written for an all-girl string group at an orphanage. Vivaldi was the violin teacher there for a time and wrote many of his works for the orphanage.
You can learn more about Vivaldi with this Vivaldi Biography Worksheets and Activities Set, with tons of activities to help your students learn all about Antonio Vivaldi.

Listening to Spring by Vivaldi
Before we move to the song, we listen to the song to gain some exposure to the general form of the piece. Listening maps can be a great way to help students with guided listening. You can display the listening map on the screen, and even have students follow along with their own handouts.

Dynamics in Spring by Vivaldi
Another great thing about Spring by Vivaldi is the dynamic contrast of the piece. I love teaching musical concepts through actual pieces of music, and this one is perfect!
Side note: The William Tell Overture is also a great one for teaching dynamics.
We take a moment to listen and observe the different dynamics that are happening in the song, as well as some other basic musical elements. You can have them move, use indicator cards, or fill out a listening worksheet.

Vivaldi Spring Movement Activity
Finally, I have a movement activity to go along with the form of the song. Here are the basic motions:
Prep: Hand each student one scarf. Divide students into two groups. Students do not need to be physically divided into two groups. They simply need to know which group they are in. You could divide by boy/girl, scarf color, etc.
Theme A: Step forward 4, waving a scarf in the air.
Step backward 4, waving a scarf in the air.
Swirl the scarf in front of you from high to low (4).
Theme A repeats
Theme B: Grapevine right (step, cross, step, touch) 4
Grapevine left 4.
Spin in a circle 4.
Theme B repeats
Bee Interlude: Group 1 moves around the room like bees.
Theme A repeats
River Interlude: Group 2 moves around the room like a river.
Theme B repeats
Rain Cloud Interlude: Group 1 moves around like a rainstorm.
Theme A repeats
Bird Interlude: Group 2 moves around the room like birds.
Sunshine Theme: March in place and wave scarf high overhead (4).
March in place and wave scarf low overhead (4).
Right hand reaches up and back down (4).
Left hand reaches up and back down (4).
Both hands reach forward and up, then back down (4).
Flower Interlude: All students start low and slowly grow into flowers.
Theme A repeats

More Resources on Vivaldi’s Four Seasons
Rhythm Activity to Spring from the Four Seasons
Spring from The Four Seasons Listening Map
Want the listening map and other resources from this Vivaldi lesson? Check them out here in my Sunshine and Music Store!

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